
Showing posts from March, 2015

Why the USA, Not China, Will Rule the 21st Century by Thaddeus McCarthy

Being from New Zealand, I have not stopped hearing about the rise and rise of China. All of our public and private leaders just seem to go on and on about how we need focusing all our exports on China, "the rise of the Asian middle class", is a phrase I have heard often. And just to make clear what is probably already evident, I am sick of it. The main thing I have against it is that I don't believe in the (continued) rise and rise of China. In this blog I will discuss why I have always held this belief, and why I have always believed that American dominance will continue for the indefinite future. To begin with though, I will state why I have never believed that China will be as great as everyone (appears) to be saying it will be. To start with is the fact that they have basically  been coming from a low base, and it is no wonder  that they are levelling out at about a 7 percent GDP growth rate, after years of 10 percent-plus growth. Another contributing factor is

HabibMetro Bank posts Rs 7.31 billion profit before tax

 Habib Metropolitan Bank posted a profit-before tax of Rs 7.31 billion for the year 2014, registering a year-on-year profitability boost of 43 percent. The Bank achieved broad based organic growth, with its network expansion and resource mobilisation driving growth across its business segments. The Bank's Profit-After-Tax amounted to Rs 4.93 billion on December 31, 2014. Resultantly, HabibMetro's EPS increased by 39.47 percent and marked at Rs 4.70 at the end of 2014.